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Information Technology

Department of Information Technology which has been established in 2001 with intake capacity of 40 students is approved by AICTE,  New Delhi, Government of Maharashtra and is affiliated to the RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur. In the Academic year 2002-2003, the intake capacity was increased from 40 to 60 students. The department has progressed consistently since its inception and has been successful in imparting high standards of quality education with highly qualified and experienced teaching faculty members. The training is provided to aspiring students to attain good professional status in their career. 

The faculty of the department has significant representation at different levels in RTMNU like Board of Studies, Local Committees, Subject Experts, Valuation, Moderation etc. The department undertakes consultancy and R&D activities. Many MoU's have been signed with Industries, Research institutions and Personalities for value additions to the curriculum for extending R&D. 

The Department is fully equipped with best position of teaching faculty, sophisticated laboratory equipment, ICT enabled classrooms and latest computational software thereby creating a perfect atmosphere for students to enjoy learning and for the faculty to carry out research. It is constantly modernizing the laboratories with latest technology and research. Looking at the need of the hour, 24x7 Wi-Fi enabled internet facility is provided to all the students.

 Prof. Dr. Sunanda P. Khandait is the Head of Department.

The department has a mixture of experienced as well as young and enthusiastic teaching staff. Many of them possess long teaching, research and industrial experience. Two faculties possess Ph.D and two are pursuing. To their credit, faculties have substantial research publications in Journals, Seminars and conferences.  The faculties are the recognized Supervisors for Ph.D, and M.E. by research of RT.M. Nagpur University. Many faculties of the department are invited by other institutes to deliver expert lectures on subjects of their expertise. Faculty have liaison with industries to get projects for students. 

 The Department regularly organizes Short Term Training Programs, National Level Paper Presentation competition and conferences. The staff also participates in various FDPs, STTPs, Workshops, and Seminars etc.
 The students of the Department also excel in the University and secure merit positions every year. Students are encouraged to appear for GATE, CAT, GRE and other competitive examinations. The Department also coordinates student’s forum FACE-IT (Forum at Computer Technology and Information Technology), under which students organize various national and college level technical, co-curricular and extracurricular activities. Apart from this, the department provides opportunity for students to diversify their technical skills in multidimensional activities through student activity center etc. 
Many of   the alumni are posted at coveted positions in Government, public and private sectors. Students are placed in reputed organizations in India and around the world. Some of the students have completed their higher studies from the reputed institutions. 
The department strives its best to provide a healthy, congenial atmosphere for the overall growth of aspiring IT Professionals.  The Department is committed to the vision of developing competent IT graduates capable of accepting challenges of the modern computing industry and society.

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