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The students are provided with the best Books, journal, magazines and newspaper in sufficient quantity where they can update themselves with the current knowledge. 

·        Public Speaking

Classroom presentation, debates are conducted by individual faculties to remove their stage fear and to increase their confidence level

·        Personality Development

Activities like Group discussion, Communication skills, role play etc on regular basis to develop their personality. 

·        Mentoring

Students are motivated to share their weakness and other problem areas with respected mentors to develop strong personality

·        Guest Lecture

Guest lectures are organized periodically on relevant topics where eminent speakers from industries, social service and academics are invited to enrich our students

·        Industrial Visits

With the view to enable the students perform better in the campus drive many industry institute interactions are conducted. It helps students to acquire deep insight and foresightedness into the procedure and work flow of the company in the different sectors.

·        Case based Learning 

Theory is supported with case based teaching to give insight to the student in clear manner to improve their understanding.


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 Guest Lecture on Entrepreneurship Development Expert Lecture on Personality Development
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 Expert Lecture on Finance  Industrial Visit at Shivam Food, Nagpur

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 Industrial Visit at Amul, Nagpur

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